Good morning!
I hope everyone had a relaxing and restful weekend. As we are rapidly approaching the last two weeks of the second quarter, I ask that you communicate with your child the importance of handing in all assignments including any missed work during absences.
On Wednesday (Jan. 15), we will be implementing the third of our early release days. Students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. and staff professional development will take place for the remainder of the day. Also on Wednesday, we will have a modified bell schedule. Students will report to all nine periods, and class time will be reduced by several minutes per period.
This week's Friday Fun Day theme will be “Team Spirit.” With the NFL and college football playoffs in full effect, we hope to show our team spirit by wearing our favorite team apparel. We look forward to celebrating each Friday in a different way to add a little fun to our day and show our school spirit. This is a great way to build healthy relationships and look forward to the weekend.
As a reminder, there will be no school on Monday (Jan. 20) in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
When we return to school next Tuesday (Jan. 21), we will begin administering the winter NWEA math assessment to all students. This testing is expected to conclude on Friday, Jan. 31.
Our Hackett PTA has unveiled a new website! to learn more about the happenings at Hackett!
There are three months remaining until we begin a heavy dose of testing, including the 2025 New York State assessments, Regents exams and spring NWEA progress testing. All state assessments – English language arts, math and reading – will be taken on the computer. A key component to this computer-based testing is a practice assessment that 1) allows us to assure our building can meet the technical requirements and 2) gives teachers time to review with students the online tools available during the test. The simulation for Hackett will be held on Thursday, Jan. 30 during first period. Before that time, teachers will continue to provide meaningful instruction to help students build their skills. Your child's attendance is especially important and we hope to give all students every opportunity to succeed. You can find the state assessment schedule below.
... and that was the week that was!
Now for our 'Don't Snooze and Lose News'
- There will be no school on Wednesday, Jan. 29 in observance of Lunar New Year.
- The second quarter ends on Friday, Jan. 31. Please be sure your child is handling all assignments along with any missed work due to absences.
- Our February PTA meeting will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 6:30 p.m. in room 112. You also can .
- The second round of parent-teacher conferences will take place Thursday, Feb. 6 in the evening and Friday, Feb. 7 during the day. Please note that there is no school for students on Feb. 7.
- We will dismiss early – at 12:30 p.m. – on Wednesday, Feb. 26 so that staff can take part in professional development sessions.
- New York State test schedule for 2025:
- English Language Arts: April 8-11
- NYSESLAT Speaking: April 21-25
- Math: April 29-May 2
- NYSESLAT Listening, Reading and Writing: May 12-22
- Science: May 13
- Science make-ups: May 14-16
Important reminders
- Extended Day Program applications are available at the attendance desk in the main foyer. Programs include swimming, cooking, judo, cosmetology, dance, arts and crafts, yearbook and more! The after-school program takes place Monday through Thursday from 3-5:15 p.m. and includes a free snack and free door-to-door transportation home. Completed forms should be returned to the guidance office, and any specific questions should be directed to Ms. Lewis at The program will run through Friday, June 13.
- Hackett continues its emergency response drills. Holding practice drills –including lockdown drills – is crucial to our overall emerngecy planning, and we will continue to conduct planned drills.
- Speed cameras are in operation on Delaware Avenue near Hackett and Thomas O'Brien Academy of Science and Technology (TOAST). Please observe the 20-mph school zone speed limit and help keep our students safe. The city will issue a $50 fine to violators.
Hackett corner quotes
"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot." – Michael Altshuler