I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable weekend and found time around the big game and the winter weather to rest and prepare for the week ahead. As you know, we will begin our winter recess this Friday, Feb. 14, at the conclusion of the school day. Recess will run through Friday, Feb. 21, with classes resuming on Monday, Feb. 24.
As a reminder, your child(ren) should bring a note and complete all missed assignments as a result of any absence from school. Grades close for the third quarter interim report card period on Friday, March 7.
I would also like to take this time to thank the parents/guardians who joined us for parent/teacher conferences last week despite the weather. We appreciate your commitment to your child's academic success. If you were unable to attend conferences but would like to discuss your concerns with your child's team of teachers, please reach out to our Guidance Office at (518) 475-6486.
NWEA winter reading assessments will continue to be administered through the end of this week.
Friday Fun Day is back! This week's Friday Fun Day theme is Beach Day! It may still be winter, but it is not too early to get excited about the summer!
In just two months, we will begin a heavy dose of testing including the 2025 New York State Assessments, Regents and Spring NWEA. All NYS assessments (ELA, math and reading) will be taken via the computer. Our simulation went very smoothly, thus ensuring a safe and successful computer-based testing period. Meaningful instruction will continue to be provided to all students to build their skills and prepare them for future learning. Your child's attendance is especially important as we hope to give all students every opportunity to succeed. For your information, the 2025 New York State Assessment schedule is listed in the section below.
As a final note, Hackett Middle School continues its Fire Drill Emergency Response Procedures. Holding practice fire drills, as well as lockdown drills, is crucial to our overall emergency planning, and we will continue to conduct planned drills throughout the school year.
... and that was the week that was!
Now for our 'Don't Snooze and Lose News'
Save the Date! Our Honor Roll Ceremony for the second quarter will be held Wednesday, March 5 at 8:30 a.m.
Our next PTA meeting will be held this Wednesday, March 12, at 6:30 p.m. in Room 112. For those employees, parents and guardians who are unable to attend the meeting in-person, you may .
- New York State test schedule for 2025:
- English Language Arts: April 8-11
- NYSESLAT Speaking: April 21-25
- Math: April 29-May 2
- NYSESLAT Listening, Reading and Writing: May 12-22
- Science: May 13
- Science make-ups: May 14-16
Important reminders
- Extended Day Program applications are available at the attendance desk in the main foyer. Programs include swimming, cooking, judo, cosmetology, dance, arts and crafts, yearbook and more! The after-school program takes place Monday through Thursday from 3-5:15 p.m. and includes a free snack and free door-to-door transportation home. Completed forms should be returned to the guidance office, and any specific questions should be directed to Ms. Lewis at dlewis2@albany.k12.ny.us. The program will run through June 13.
- Speed cameras are up and running, and $50 fines are being imposed on drivers exceeding the 20-mph school zone speed limit on Delaware Avenue and in several other school zones throughout the city. Please drive safely and avoid these fines by being mindful of the school zone on your daily route. You can visit our website to read more from earlier this school when the city launched the school speed zone safety program.
Hackett corner quotes
"If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, then I can achieve it." – Muhammed Ali